Programme 2015

last update: October 2015

 Thursday, 5th November 2015

GalionsfigurensaalGroßer Saal
Kleiner Saal
Börries von Notz (Chief Executive Director, Historic Museums Hamburg), Dr. Paul Klimpel (Head of Conference), Dr. Horst-Michael Pelikahn (State Council of Hamburg Department of Culture), Dr. Verena Metze Mangold (President of the German UNESCO-Commission )
11.00LeMO – The Lively Museum Online as Permanent Exhibition for Online Visitors:
Dr. Ruth Rosenberger
(Foundation House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Storytelling in online projects
Jürgen Keiper (Deutsche Kinemathek)
Metadata Quality: A Success Factor for Accessing German Cultural Heritage – A Look Behind the Scenes of the German Digital Library
Francesca Schulze (German Digital Library/ German National Library)
12.30Lunch break
14.00Panel discussion: The future of cultural structures for artistic production and its circulation
Interpreted into German and French
Eli Commins (Französisches Ministerium für Kultur und Kommunikation), Marc Benaïche (Atelier 144), Dr. Anett Holzheim (ZKM), Mareike Holfeld (Kampnagel), Moderation: Pierre-Yves Lochon
(Sinapses Conseils und CLIC France)
Culture and Knowledge online – The Aggregation Network for Germany’s Cultural Heritage
Frank Frischmuth
(German Digital Library)
©© change your mind – Hallmarking Open Content in Digital Cultural Heritage
Barbara Fischer (Wikimedia Germany),
Dr. jur. Ellen Euler (German Digital Library)
The Open Museum. Long Term Strategy or No Man’s Land
Dr. Christian Gries (Kulturkonsorten München)
15.30Coffee break
16.00Panel discussion: The future frameworks of artistic work
Interpreted into German and French
Carol-Ann Braun (Le Cube), Clara Gensburger
(Laboratoires dAubervilliers), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ernst (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Nicole Döll (Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig), Moderation: Perrine Vincent (DICRéAM)
Archiv Portal D
New Possibilities for Accessing Archive Material of the German Digital Library

Nadine Seidu (Landesarchiv
Networking, Structuring and Accumulation: Access and Reuse for the Digital Humanities
Prof. Dr. Heike Neuroth (University of Applied Science Potsdam; DARIAH)
The future of cultural memory: federalism, centralization, networking
Prof. Dr. Eric Steinhauer
(Open University Hagen,  Humboldt University of Berlin)
17.15Coffee break
17.30The Future of Exhibition-Making in the
Post-Digital Era
Talks are in English
Dr. Mirjam Wenzel (Jewish Museum Berlin),
Silvia Filippini-Fantoni (Indianapolis Museum of Art), Chris Michaels (British Museum), Prof. Heike Gfereis (Literaturmuseum der Moderne and
Schiller-Nationalmuseum), Chaired by:
Cilly Kugelmann (Jewish Museum Berlin)
19.00Evening reception

Friday, 6th November 2015

GalionsfigurensaalGroßer Saal
Kleiner Saal
10.00The Future of Participation     
10.45Towards Open and Collaborative Forms of Digital Science
Lambert Heller (Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover)
Digital Volunteering:
Wikipedia, Wikidata and Commons in the Wikiversum World Café
with Tim Moritz Hector (Wikimedia Deustchland e.V.) and others
Workshop: The Museum in the digital City
Sabine Jank (szenum)
Workshop: Coding
da Vinci – The Culture- Hackathon 2016
11:45Coffee break
12.15Panel discussion: The Future of Participation
with Sabine Jank (szenum), Tim Moritz Hector (Wikimedia) und Prof. Johannes Vogel (Museum of Natural Science Berlin), Chaired by: Barbara Fischer (Wikimedia Germany)
13.00Coffee break
14.00The Next Generation of Museum Professionals – New Skills are Required 
Mit Prof. Monika Hagedorn-Saupe
(Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation),
Florentine Dietrich (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), Joyce Ray (Johns Hopkins University, Washington, USA), Silke Janßen (Städel Museum Frankfurt), Dr. des. Anette Schomberg (TOPOI, Humboldt University of Berlin)
Discussion panel: The Future of Copyright Law
Dr. jur. Ellen Euler (German Digital Library) speaks with  Anja Jensen (artist), Dr. Antje Schmidt (Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Gerhard Pfennig (Initiative Urheberrecht), Dr. Till Kreutzer (iRights.Law), Frauke Dannert  (artist), requested: Hanns Peter Frentz (Bildagentur bpk)
Google Cultural Institute – Worldwide Access to Local Culture
Michael Firnhaber
(Google Cultural Institute)
Future concept of boundary transcending digitalisation
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Beger
(Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg)
15.30Coffee break
15.50Quo vadis? Dr. Paul Klimpel speaks with
Prof. Monika Hagedorn-Saupe (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation), Jens Redmer (Google), Tim Moritz Hector (Wikimedia Germany e.V.) and representatives from political and cultural institutions
17.10Get together and end

You can download the programme here.