What you can expect in 2014?
Thursday, 13th November 2014
09:00 | Registration & Coffee |
I. Opening
10:00 | Opening Speech |
10:10 | Welcome Speech Dr. Verena Metze-Mangold President of the German UNESCO-Commission and Patroness of the event |
10:20 |
II. Cultural Heritage 3.0 – Extended Digital Use
On basis of which approaches do cultural- and memory institutions make cultural heritage accessible? What expectations formulate science & research, particularly in terms of technical analysis options? Representatives of cultural institutions of Civil Society and State institutions and research explain and discuss different strategies. | |
10:30 | A National Library for the 21st Century – Content and Services in the Digital Library Roger Jøsevold* Deputy Director Genereal at the National Library of Norway |
11:00 | William Patry Senior Counsel Copyright at Google |
11:30 | Liam Wyatt* Wikimedia Coordinator for Europeana |
12:00 | Lunchbreak |
13:00 | Panel discussion with the following speakers and others: President of the Federal Archives Director General of the Museums für Naturkunde Berlin Principal Research Associate Comparative Media und Executive Director of HyperStudio – Digital Humanities of MIT – Massachussets Institute of Technology Alice Wiegand Board Member of the Wikimedia Foundation Chaired by: Jan Engelmann |
III. Audio-visual Heritage
We present five ways that individuals, institutions and countries have followed to make movies, TV shows, scientific and artistic works permanently available. What successes can the initiatives present? What challenges have been to overcome? How is the access to audiovisual heritage accepted by the users? | |
13:45 | Introduction |
13:50 | An user perspective on unlocking audiovisual heritage riches to an online environment Dr. Guido Ongena* Lecturer & researcher at the Faculty of IT & Design, The Hague University of Applied Sciences |
14:05 | Coffee break |
14:20 | On sweet spots and trustworthiness: a tale of mass digitization and access from the Netherlands |
14:40 | The BBC in Bits: Developing a Digital Archive |
15:00 | Populism, Digitization, and Plenty: An Online Film Archives at 15 Founder of the Prelinger Archives and Associate Professor of Film & Digital Media, Univerity of California, Santa Cruz |
15:20 | TIB/AV-Portal: Nutzergerechter Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Filmen Margret Plank Director of the Competence Centre for Non-Textual Materials (KNM) at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB), Hannover |
15:40 | Kultureller Nutzen, wirtschaftliche Nutzbarkeit: ein Spannungsfeld für Filmarchiv-Portale? |
16:00 | Panel discussion* Chaired by: Prof. Martin Koerber Head of the Foundation Deutsche Kinemathek |
16:45 | Coffee break |
17:00 | Announcement of the showcase of projects for extended digital use at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin |
17:30 | Changing the location to the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin |
Showcase of projects for extended digital use at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
18:00 | Showcase of projects for extended digital use at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin |
19:00 | Opening of the Reception Director General of the Museums für Naturkunde Berlin |
19:15 | Evening Reception |
19:45 | Dinnerspeech Sole Board Member of the Foundation Historische Museen Hamburg |
Friday, 14th November 2014
09:00 | Coffee |
IV. Jewish Cultural Assets – Access and Cross-linking
In the years 1933 to 1945 European Jewish cultural heritage was systematically looted and destroyed. The access to what could be preserved raises political and ethical questions. What online strategies have been pursued by key institutions in Germany, Eastern Europe and Israel? What considerations underpin the various forms of public access to the fragments of Jewish cultural heritage, today? | |
10:00 | Welcome Speech and Introduction |
10:10 | Im Universum Jüdischen Wissens – Das Judaica Online Portal der UB Frankfurt am Main |
10:30 | Digibaeck – Das Online-Archiv des Leo Baeck Instituts |
10:50 | Collecting Jewish heritage online: The Virtual Shtetl-Potal Editor, Historical Publications in Foreign Languages at the Digital Collections Department of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews speaks about the project virtualshtetl |
11:10 | Round Table Discussion* Chaired by: Dr. Mirjam Wenzel |
Excursus: Knowledge – Language – Digital in cooperation with the project German 3.0 by the Goethe-Institute
Language plays an important, ordering function in the digital world. Systematization of knowledge is a key aspect of the work of the German Digital Library – can only through the standardization of metadata a long-term access to digital cultural heritage be guaranteed. Projects that pursue different strategies to allow access even across language barriers will be introduced. | |
11:30 | Über Sprachen hinweg: Zugang durch mehrsprachige Schlagwörter. Sprachübergreifende Vernetzung von ursprünglich einsprachigen Metadaten im europäischen Kontext auf Thorsten Siegmann Project co-ordinator Europeana 1914-1918 of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin |
11:45 | Der Art & Architecture Thesaurus des Getty Research Institutes Prof. Monika Hagedorn-Saupe Deputy head of the Institute for Museum Research |
12:00 | The World Digital Library: Multilingualism for Global Cultural Access John Van Oudenaren* Director, World Digital Library |
12:15 | Panel discussion Chaired by: Astrid B. Müller Communication, Press and Marketing, Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek |
12:30 | Lunch break |
13:30 |
V. The Legal Framing – International Comparison
Although the basic principles of copyright apply anywhere in the world, there have been several major projects of mass digitization. In particular, the Google Books project in the United States and the Bukhyll project in Norway are prominent examples of this. What were and are the legal requirements for it? Are the concepts transferable to Germany? How will the new rules prove themselves concerning orphan works in Germany? | |
14:00 | Von den Mühen der Ebene – Rechteklärung in der Praxis Dr. Dietmar Preißler Head of Collection at the Foundation Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
15:00 | Coffee break |
15:15 | Zugang (un-)möglich! Tatsächliche und rechtliche Aspekte der Digitalisierung in Deutschland, Skandinavien und den USA Expert on Collective Rights Exercising |
15:45 | yy – Problem gelöst. Eine neue Norm für Museen, Archive und Bibliotheken Prof. Dr. Katharina de la Durantaye Assistent Professor for Civil Law, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin |
16:15 | Panel discussion Chaired by: Dr. Paul Klimpel Head of the Conference Mit Beteiligung von Till Kreutzer |
17:00 | Abschlusspräsentation Graphic Recording, Video und Foto |
*Speech in Englisch (will not be translated into German)
A detailed programme of both conference days is soon to be published.
You can already register for the event.
The main events of the conference will take place at the Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart Berlin (Invalidenstraße 50-51, 10557 Berlin).
Das Hashtag ist #ke14.