Cédric Manara: Enabling the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage

In 6 Tagen startet unsere Konferenz „Zugang gestalten!“ im Jüdischen Museum Berlin! Heute stellen wir Cédric Manara vor, der mit einem Impulsreferat den Block „Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen“ am Nachmittag des zweiten Konferenztages einleiten wird.


Cedric Manara

Dr. Cédric Manara has lost his hair teaching, writing or consulting. He has been a full time law professor at EDHEC Business School (France) and held visitorships in Finland, Italy, Japan and the USA, published a lot on intellectual property and internet legal issues, and also was a consultant for e-commerce companies or law firms. He recently joined Google’s legal team as copyright counsel.

Picture/Foto: © Hervé Thouroude



At the conference

Cédric Manara will address key topics including the shrinking of the public domain and current legislation that is leading to what he terms a “cultural black hole”. He will also make the case for more flexibility in copyright law and take a look into the recent landmark Google Books decision in New York which ruled Google’s book scanning project as fair use under copyright law.