Talks are in French and German (Interpreted into French and German)
The digital transition affects artists, cultural companies and creative industries in terms of human and financial resources and therefore enforces all cultural actors to reconsider their organizing patterns and their projects from now on and for the future. This questions the access of the audience to art and culture as well as resources dedicated to train creatives, artists and culture mediators. Sustainable solutions concerning digital technologies and cultural practices challenges have to be found. Which strategies, projects and experiments are today developed by French, German and European structures, in order to strongly guarantee access to new creations, cultural and artistic heritage and to reach new audiences for art and culture through innovation?
Eli Commins (Französisches Ministerium für Kultur und Kommunikation), Marc Benaïche (Atelier 144), Dr. Anett Holzheim (ZKM), Mareike Holfeld (Kampnagel), Moderation: Pierre-Yves Lochon